
The lease signing process: What you need to know


After you've decided to rent and 找到你的完美公寓, it's tempting to quickly sign the rental agreement and move in. 但是,退一步看. 问 房屋租赁问题. 被告知. 然后,选择搬进来,或者不搬进来.

Be prepared with these rental application tips


Before you take the final step, 申请信用报告. Landlords and leasing agents use a potential tenant's 信贷 确保他们有按时支付账单的良好记录. By knowing in advance if t在这里 are any items of concern, 你有机会修理它们,或者提前和房东谈谈.


如果在签订租约之前没有与房东充分讨论押金和费用,有时会变得棘手. 知道所有的来龙去臼的保证金和任何额外的费用,你的租金可以让你感觉更放心.





Be ready with a list of references from previous landlords. And if you’ve never rented before, you may still have a list of references that can include employers, 朋友, coworkers and even college professors. 你需要包括他们的名字,电话号码,地址和电子邮件地址. 确保你的推荐人对你的评价是积极的,并且他们允许你联系他们.


你要准备好就业证明,这样房东才有信心你能付得起房租. 你可能还需要提供银行账户信息——所以要把你的账号放在手边. 带上你的支票簿和可用的资金,以防你需要支付租金.


Exactly when do you sign a lease for an apartment or rental? The lease may begin as soon as you sign it. But will you take possession and move in right after you sign? 一些房东可能希望新房客尽可能在前房客离开的日期签租约. 但是要记住, 实际搬家日期可能会延迟,因为房产可能需要维修和清洁. 在你搬进去之前,你可能要付几天或几周的房租. 尽量在你搬进去的日期之前签租约,或者要求租约在你搬进去的前一天或当天开始.

Can a landlord change the lease after it is signed?

Generally speaking, the answer is no. 租赁是一种 有约束力的合同 between 房东 and the tenant once it has been signed. Changes by either party could have a negative impact. If both parties agree that changes are needed, 可以添加一份由业主和租客签署的附录. Another time that changes can be made would be during the lease renewal.

Can you back out of a lease before it starts? 有些租赁合同在签订后可能会规定一定的天数,在此期间任何一方都可以取消租赁. 在签字之前一定要仔细阅读一下租约,这样你就知道你承诺的是什么.


Signing a contract is a big deal! Here are some 房屋租赁问题 to get you started.

  • 物业是如何管理的? 明确“我应该与谁联系维护相关的问题,我应该向谁支付租金。?“这应该很清楚 物业经理的角色 戏剧与. 房东. 或者如果房东——在你租的不是公寓的情况下——处理所有相关的问题.

  • 租客需要pp王者电子官网吗? 房东要求租客购买和维护房屋的现象越来越普遍 租房者pp王者电子官网. If they require it, they'll typically ask for proof of insurance. If you forget to ask this question, 它应该列在房东提供给你的文件中,以便你准备租房.

  • How much notice will you give me before entering my unit? All rental agreements should have a Right of Entry clause, which states what will happen when your landlord needs to enter your unit. An appropriate amount of warning time is about 24 hours, but check the legal requirements in your state. 请记住,法律要求房东在你进入之前给你通知, 除非是紧急情况. 了解适当的规则可以帮助您了解在出现情况时应该期待什么.

  • 允许养宠物吗?? 如果你有宠物, or plan to get one, you need to know if they are allowed. 此外,询问“与宠物有关的规定是什么,是否有宠物押金或每月宠物租金。?“即使你没有宠物,这仍然是一个重要的问题. 如果你的房东允许养宠物, 这通常表明你的大楼里会有其他居民和他们在一起. If you have concerns about pets in your new environment, then you should find out sooner rather than later.

  • Are t在这里 noise restriction rules? A common renter complaint is having to deal with 吵闹的邻居. 所以,问问你的房东,租赁协议中是否有针对破坏性行为的条款. 大多数租赁协议都有禁止在特定时间发出噪音的条款.

  • What is the length of the rental agreement? Double-check the duration of your rental agreement. Never assume that yours is the standard 12-months.

  • What should I expect towards the end of my rental agreement? 我有哪些续订选择? Ask if your potential landlord offers renewal options, and how. 房东通常会根据具体情况提供租赁续订协议. 他们可能会问你是否想在你目前的租赁协议到期前90天左右续订. 有些房东有自动续租条款,他们应该提前让你知道.

    Sometimes landlords automatically increase rent by a certain amount. 在这种情况下,你应该在考虑续约之前了解租金的涨幅. 你也可以问问你的房东在你目前的租约到期后是否提供按月租赁, 以防万一.

    询问租赁协议的续签可能看起来有点操之过急, but it's best to understand your options in advance. 被告知 so you feel comfortable signing your lease.

After you sign your lease and move into your new home, 还记得, your rental is still 房东's property. 了解如何 keep your rental in tip top shape.

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How to prepare for a rental 信贷 check

Before a landlord pulls your 信贷 report, 检查它潜在的错误或报告的债务,可以支付,以提高你的分数.

Before you rent, ask your landlord about move-costs and monthly bills due

租金, 如果在签订租赁协议之前没有与房东充分讨论押金和费用,有时会变得棘手.

Prepare with a rental property checklist


租房者 guide: Are you ready to rent?
